Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Trust You

could I love in silent could I love in distance?
could our mind in fusion when we not in vision?
Keep trust,
Lord keep my heart with patience keep my heart with passion,
Keep it for great mission and keep it for good relation. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

apart me Love

As I fly, I soar high seeking dreams, love above altitude, 

see you shine, you stand out, with halo in midst of multitudes
my prude attitude?
often I asked, always I prayed, for God with much gratitude 
actions, of no reaction, make heart feelings fall platitude

Thursday, 10 May 2012


thou lust in my heart tried lead me to adultery,
and worst walking my flesh out of Lord's territory
mercy delivery,
like carry blood away from the heart by artery,
Lord says: my Child, fear not! seek peace in Monastery.
 ·  ·  · 48 minutes ago ·
    • Jon Black is this the real life? is it just fantasy?
      caught in a landslide; no escape from reality
      open your eyes, look up to the skies and see...
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Jonathan Tew i believe life is real and life can be fantasy
      God is mighty and real but never a fantasy
      God send sunlight even when dark is reality
      close your eyes, thru prayers from heaven our Lord shall see
      12 minutes ago · 

Monday, 5 March 2012

Heart trip

If one day my love could stop like my heart beat,
then my flesh never will burns when it meet heat,
soul bleeds,
my heart hunger for you like wolves hunger for meat,
my world fades without you like beer without wheat.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Turning point.?

So long... I wonder my heart still can keep the heart I hold for the person I waited so long or there is someone able to break the defense in my heart.. Lead me lord I pray..