Tuesday, 19 October 2010


can i not listen to angel of evil and good?
and wound the sorrowful spirit with fearless with wood.
oh lord
Father in heaven bless me not with misery mood,
cure please my disconsolate moments of lonelihood.


Monday, 18 October 2010

the flashback

as the blue sky covered by thousands deadly sparrows,
all i can do is scarecrow there and let the wind blow,
don't know
will my heart ever stop soar for rhythm of sorrow
or never cease till my hair grow-ed to colour of snow.


Sunday, 17 October 2010


i wonder how was the wind and the lovely blue sky,
as i haven't spread my wings and kept it at all time,
so long
till i forget that there were once that i'm able to fly,
instead of hiding in dark without any tears to cry.
